Let me cut to the chase: I totally loved Final Fantasy XIII. Loved the graphics, the soundtrack, the battle system and the characters (esp Lightning). I get all antsy when the 'real' FF fan boys start blasting on the game for NO reason AT ALL. Yes the game wasn't as good as some of the best Final Fantasy games (Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy IX), but was a darn awesome RPG and a good entry in the series. Anyways I heard rumors on the net late 2010 that SqaureEnix was thinking about a direct sequel to the game, but when they confirmed it during the Final Fantasy Conference early January I literally flipped. I have been a huge fan of the Final Fantasy direct sequels (Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings) , and I have no doubts that this game will be as awesome as the rest.
The ending of Final Fantasy XIII was quite epic to say the least. Although I loved the game, there were a couple of things which weren't as polished, but the ending just vanished all of those misgivings. But now with Final Fantasy XIII-2, I would want to see a bit of work in some of those areas which were lacking. For starters I want a huge sprawling world to explore complete with towns and labyrinthine dungeons, and I want a story line which is a little cohesive. The people at SquareEnix have said that they taken feedback from fans and will deliver a game which will exceed the original. Paint me very excited!!
But what I really want to see in Final Fantasy XIII-2 is how the developers evolve the main protagonist Lightning. For me she is one of the most awesome characters in video games. Tough exterior with a soft core (VERY different from the angst-fest Cloud and Squall or the over the top Zidane and Tidus). So a story which revolves around Lightning a bit more than the original will really be awesome!
Here's hoping that the E3 shows a detailed look of the game (right now only a minute and half trailer and 3 screenshots are available) esp the game play department. With a vague 'Coming next winter' release date featuring in the trailer, I really hope this game comes out this year. Cant wait!
On to tomorrow for the game on my RPG's of 2011.
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