Finished Batman Arkham Knight. 90.8% of the game done along with getting the Knightfall Protocol. Did not get the extended ending as I didn't finish two Most Wanted mission including the Riddler side missions
For me its the best Batman game I have played. The plot was VERY personal, the open world nature from Arkham City was turned to the max, the visuals were astounding and the combat system was the totally bad-ass. And I loved the Batmobile. Cruising around Gotham at break neck speed was a thrill right till the end. The Tank mode was also fun but got a tad tedious specially near the end but just loved the idea. While previous Batman you did feel like the superhero but in Arkham Knight the feeling of being the ultimate Batman along with the Batmobile was just truly one of a kind.
I loved doing side missions as some of them felt like comic vignettes but I LOVED how the plot was treated. Even though I have not read that many Batman comics but references to great comic books was awesome and DAT Killing Joke reference was Joker says...die for! (Yes I have read The Killing Joke). I also loved the two twists in the plot and how it connected to the Batman universe. Yes Rocksteady treated the game like their last Batman game and it did have a sense finality to it which added an emotional punch.
Visually Rocksteady outdid themselves once again. A living and breathing Gotham City was meticulously created giving it a moody touch (like most of the best cities in the world) . The facial and model animations was some of the best ever. The game did feel a little dark in spots but some awesome lighting made the game shine. And man some of the smoke and explosion effects were insane, I am running out of adjective so I will just conclude in saying Batman Arkham Knight is a stunning looking game!
OK like Mark Hamill was VICIOUS in his voice acting of Joker! I mean totally incredible! And oh yea bringing in John Noble (Fringe and LOTR Return of the King) to read Scarecrow was a masterstroke as he brought a very polish sheen to Scarecrow's voice which was menacing! The rest were uniformly great esp Kevin Conroy who totally owns Batman's voice. Christian Bale and Ben Affeleck got nothing over Conroy!
So in conclusion Batman Arkham Knight is Rocksteady best game yet and easily the one of the best current gen games around and I wonder what their next project will and whether they will tackle another Superhero or go different route. 2015 has had some truly outstanding games and we are just into September. 9.5/10!
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