Tuesday, May 31, 2011

My most anticipated RPGs of 2011: Day 6

The Last Story - Wii - TBA:

The name Hironobu Sakaguchi is synonymous with the brand Final Fantasy, as its creator Sakaguchi has been at the helm of some of the best games in the series, as well as being the executive producer/producer of countless others. His reputation was built on an unwavering stance of providing extremely polished games to the players and the will to bring something new to the plate. But when the failed movie venture, Final Fantasy: Spirits Within in 2000, came out to massive amounts of negative reviews, he voluntarily left SqaureEnix to make a new company named Mistwalker.

Since then the company has made a few solid if unspectacular RPGs for the Xbox 360 and the DS. But with the The Last Story the company is aiming for something substantial, but what is more important that Sakaguchi-san is the director of the game after a span of 19 years!. His last game as a director was Final Fantasy V for the SNES, so you can see The Last Story is quite an important game for the RPG genre. The Wii may have been an odd choice for a game for this caliber, but with the Japanese release early this year to some really good press it is a clear indication that the game and and console of choice was indeed inspiring.

The Last Story may very well be the last game from Sakaguchi and so the game seems to have pulled all stops and is set to give a great RPG experience. The game uses a variant of the turn based/ action RPG mechanics and twists it in a new direction. It is a huge departure from the turn based system which Sakaguchi specializes in and in the case of The Last Story this translates in huge expectation of RPG players on a whole.

While the setting of The Last Story is reminiscent of awesome games like Final Fantasy XII or Vagrant Story with strong medieval influences, but it still has stamp of a master who knows and loves his trade and it will be interesting to see if whole product is as polish as Sakaguchi older games. Oh yeah the game also sees Nobou Uematsu as the music composer which is always an awesome thing and we can expect the same high level of compositions Uematsu-san is know for.

The Last Story still awaits an official announcement for an English version but very recently there have been rumbling of an announcment soon, but till the E3 arrives its still all up in the air. The Last Story is very easily the last big game for the Wii and if it strikes gold then Wii will end up having one of the best RPGs in years. I really hope the game does get a English version and is as good as the hype!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

My most anticipated RPGs of 2011: Day 5

White Knight Chronicles 2 - PS3 - 8th June (EU), 2nd August (NA):

Level 5 has quite a track record since it came into being in 1998. From the Dark Cloud series or the modern Dragon Quest games to the charming Professor Layton games, Level 5 has been untouchable. Their penchant of making quality RPGs rivals that of SqaureEnix (and that is saying a lot in my opinion). So when Level 5 announced their new IP, White Knight Chronicles for the PS3, the whole RPG fraternity held their breath in anticipation. When the game did come out it was not up to the lofty standard Level 5 had set themselves, and while the game was well received by the gamers, the critics weren't all that forgiving and the game collected mixed reviews. I am one of those gamers for which reviews scores mean a lot, so I proceeded in avoiding the game altogether.

Last year Level 5 announced that a sequel was in the works and everything in the game had been tweaked, and now with an English release just days away, I am hoping that the improvements makes for a better game (and get better reviews).

White Knight Chronicles 2 will start from where it left off, so I will need to read up on the events of the original. PS3 is in need of an epic JRPG, and White Knight Chronicle 2 may just be the game. The original game had a neat looking battle system and those mechanics seem to have been tweaked a bit in the sequel (in videos), while graphics have been given a little touch up as well. So although I may still end up feeling disappointed in this game, but I as a fan of Level 5, I am willing to bet that White Knight Chronicles 2 might just become a surprise RPG of 2011.

Join me tomorrow for another game in my list.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My most anticipated RPGs of 2011: Day 4

Valkyria Chronicles 3 - PSP - TBA:

Valkyria Chronicles 3 came out in Japan earlier this year to good reviews, and although an official release date has not been given for an English version, but I still think the game will come out this year eventually.

Valkyria Chronicles series may well be one of the most under appreciated RPGs ever made. And too think that this is a series made by Sega, it more heart rendering that Valkyria Chronicles games never got much attention. The original game on the PS3 was a beast of a game, with action oriented mechanics, a great story line and expectational production values. But the attention it garnered was down right criminal as the sales of the game in the West was pretty low. Even in Pakistan not many RPG players invested in this gem. Same can be said about the sequel on the PSP with low sales despite very solid reviews. If you though the original had it bad, for the sequel it got kinda worse as many of my PSP onwing friends didn't play it at all!. But as the games ended up getting cult status, the people at Sega still found it in themselves to support the series.

Valkyria Chronicles 3 point of interest is the plot as it occurs during the events of the original game, but this game deals with the Gallian Army Squad 445, or the 'Nameless': a squad made up for criminals and military offenders i.e. a black sheep squad, that was involved in black ops, hence their story went unnoticed, until now. Now I totally fell in love with the characters of Valkyria Chronicles, but now with a chance to see how the 'Nameless' made the victories of the heroes of Squad 7 a reality I can't help but being excited about it. And I can bet the game play will be fleshed out and more strategic. That said I would had loved Valkyria Chronicles 3 to be on the PS3 as a game of such a stature required a console release but I am happy that the series is still on going.

As I said earlier that the game has not being announced for an English release, everything points to a E3 announcement! Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My most anticipated RPGs of 2011: Day 3

Final Fantasy XIII-2 - PS3, 360 - Q2011:

Let me cut to the chase: I totally loved Final Fantasy XIII. Loved the graphics, the soundtrack, the battle system and the characters (esp Lightning). I get all antsy when the 'real' FF fan boys start blasting on the game for NO reason AT ALL. Yes the game wasn't as good as some of the best Final Fantasy games (Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy IX), but was a darn awesome RPG and a good entry in the series. Anyways I heard rumors on the net late 2010 that SqaureEnix was thinking about a direct sequel to the game, but when they confirmed it during the Final Fantasy Conference early January I literally flipped. I have been a huge fan of the Final Fantasy direct sequels (Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings) , and I have no doubts that this game will be as awesome as the rest.

The ending of Final Fantasy XIII was quite epic to say the least. Although I loved the game, there were a couple of things which weren't as polished, but the ending just vanished all of those misgivings. But now with Final Fantasy XIII-2, I would want to see a bit of work in some of those areas which were lacking. For starters I want a huge sprawling world to explore complete with towns and labyrinthine dungeons, and I want a story line which is a little cohesive. The people at SquareEnix have said that they taken feedback from fans and will deliver a game which will exceed the original. Paint me very excited!!

But what I really want to see in Final Fantasy XIII-2 is how the developers evolve the main protagonist Lightning. For me she is one of the most awesome characters in video games. Tough exterior with a soft core (VERY different from the angst-fest Cloud and Squall or the over the top Zidane and Tidus). So a story which revolves around Lightning a bit more than the original will really be awesome!

Here's hoping that the E3 shows a detailed look of the game (right now only a minute and half trailer and 3 screenshots are available) esp the game play department. With a vague 'Coming next winter' release date featuring in the trailer, I really hope this game comes out this year. Cant wait!

On to tomorrow for the game on my RPG's of 2011.

My most anticipated RPGs of 2011: Day 2

Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings - PC, PS3, 360 - May 17, 2011 (PC):

This game was never in my list as a potential awesome RPG I would want to play, but due to constant ranting by a friend of mine (who is playing the recently released PC version) I decided to check the game's previews, videos and screen shots. Needless to say I was pretty much blown away as the premise, the production values looked positively outstanding. My excitement became tenfold when I found out that unlike the original game which was a PC exclusive, Witcher 2 is a multi platform game with the console release in the works. The game right now is out on PC which gave me a chance to read its reviews (Very high scores from majority of game sites) and hence this game made my list as one of most anticipated games this year.

The element which piqued my interest (after checking out screenshots and video) was the dark fantasy setting. Recently I have become a fan of the HBO TV show 'Game of Thrones', and Witcher 2 seems to share that setting, albeit with an extra dose of fantasy. And besides the main protagonist Geralt seem like a really complex character and getting to know what his future hold seems like a good hobby. And lastly Western RPGs always seem to have outstanding plot complete with awesome fantasy trappings that makes for a riveting plot and I am guessing Witcher 2 will be the same.

And if by any chance the console version looks even half of what its PC brethren, then that will make for a gorgeous looking game. I mean the game looks, grim and haunting yet utterly beautiful and inviting!

Now usually I don't really care about WRPGs (mainly due game play), but I am genuinely excited about this game and I really hope the upcoming E3 can cast light on a console release for Witcher 2.

Onwards and upwards for more RPGs goodness tomorrow.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My most anticipated RPGs of 2011

2011 so far has been a pretty good year for a number of genres like FPS or action adventure games and it would seem (from the release dates) that this trend will continue for the rest of the year as well. OK lets see now we have Gears of Wars 3 primed for release very soon, Infamous 2 June's debut is pretty close and Uncharted 3 is set for the fall release. But as much as this year has been awesome, there have been a woefully small number of quality RPGs coming out in 2011 and this fact is indicative of the new direction the current generation is taking. This is not say that 2011 has been or will be barren for RPGs, on contrary there are number of pretty solid RPGs coming out and although I am a few months late in bringing out this post (there have been around 3 good RPGs released in this time), but from today till the 2nd of June I will be discussing 10 of my most anticipated RPGs of this year (well...of 6 months that is):

1) Xenoblade Chronicles - Wii -September :

A simple and plan fact is that Wii has not been a power house for RPGs (even with the incredible popularity of the console), but unlike Nintendo's previous console (GameCube) there have been 3-5 solid RPGs for gamers to choose. But the console is still missing THAT epic RPG, which would define the console for RPG players. This is about to change though with the release of two RPGs from experienced developers. First I will talk about Xenoblade Chronicles. The game comes from the team which has made a HUGE name for themselves with the superlative Xenogears and XenoSaga series, helmed by Tetsuya Takahashi and the game company Monolith Soft, backed by Nintendo (phew). Now that is a quite a pedigree if you ask me, one which will catapult this game to a top billing for RPG players. The game was originally called Monado: Beginning of the World, but was thankfully changed to Xenoblade in honor of Takahashi (the creator of the Xeno brand games). Nintendo has a sure-fire winner on its hands and has done well in becoming the publisher, meaning the quality of the localization will be great. As a Wii owner I can't wait to get my grubby mitts on this one as soon as its out.

The premise of the plot takes place on top two crystallized gods where humanoids and machines have taken up residence and are now embroiled in a never ending war. From the outset the game already has a unique backdrop which will inevitable open up into something epic. Tetsuya Takahashi has also pointed out that the narrative will be quite different from the cut-scene heavy XenoSaga series (much to my chagrin), while also having emphasis on exploration. Consider this as an amalgam of eastern story-telling with western game play tropes. This will be very interesting indeed!

The game play resembles Final Fantasy XII (ala offline MMORPG), while players will have the freedom to input commands as well. I am one of those who actually really liked the MMORPG mechanics from Final Fantasy XII and after going through quite a few of game play video that mechanics looks very solid in Xenoblade Chronicles. I am very excited for the game play and with a promise of 50-60 hours of the main plot Xenoblade Chronicles has a lot going for it.

The technical aspect of the game looks really spiffy with some awesome visuals, perhaps one of the best looking Wii game to date! The screen shots and videos showcase huge environs to explores, beautiful vistas to behold and attention of a lot of detail. I mean lets face it, Wii isn't known for a its graphics, but Xenoblade Chronicles really does look good. For me the look of the game is very similar to many of the outstanding PS2 RPGs and I felt a twinge of nostalgia looking at screenshots and videos of the game.

But the soundtrack has all the bearing to be very memorable. Yoko Shimomura (of Kingdom Hearts and Legend of Mana fame) and Yasunori Mitsuda (of Chrono Trigger/Cross and XenoSaga fame) providing the sound track!!!. I mean two of the finest composers in the game industry working together can only mean that the sound track well be of dizzying quality.

So yeah it will be a huge understatement to say that I am excited for Xenoblade Chronicles. The game has that PS2 RPG vibe to it and that can only be a good thing (PS2 RPG library the greatest ever!). The Wii has been a huge success for Nintendo but the lack of good RPG has been disappointing, so here hoping that Xenoblade Chronicles lives up to the hype and finally give the Wii the epic RPG it deserves before it rides off into the sunset.

Join me tomorrow for another anticipated RPG.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Jump, Double Jump!!

About 5 months ago I wrote an article on 3D platformers for a website but for some reason it never got published so I decided to post it on the blog.

With an increase in development costs, along with the introduction of digital download services in the form of Xbox Live, PSN and Wiiware the developers now have a medium as well as a need to create bite size games along with their console releases, while also giving opportunities to smaller and new companies to make a mark on the industry. You now have big and small developers making games for the download services and this has resulted in the miraculous revival of 2D platformers or the return of the old school gaming mechanics.

As the popularity of 2D platformers have started to rise again, many developers are now dangling their feet in the genre. Nintendo has used all of its retro experiences to give their in-house teams, big wig companies and smaller developers full support in making games for the Wiiware and DSiware services with games like LostWinds, NyxQuest: Kindered Spirits, Shantae or new iterations of Mega Man to name a few, while Sony and Microsoft also have followed suit in giving a free hand to smaller indie developers such as PLAYDEAD, Number None Inc. or Team Meat to create little gems like such as Super Meat Boy, Braid or Limbo.

This charge also has resulted in the big 3 churning out proper console releases of the 2D platformers genre. Nintendo pulled its own strings in creating a deluge of newer and slicker 2D platformers using their old franchises with the likes of New Super Mario Bros Wii, Kirby's Epic Yarn and Donkey Kong Country Returns, while Sony and Microsoft has stuff like LittleBigPlanet.

With the triumphant return of the 2D platformers complete the 3D platformer genre has kinda been left behind. The genre has basically become redundant and isn't as important as it was last generation. Either developers have grown tired of the tried and tested formula of the genre or gamers themselves want something (or old if you at look it). It is actually sad to see the pseudo demise of the genre for two reasons: a) it is following the same pattern of demise as was seen around a decade ago of the adventure genre and b) 3D genre started the new 3D gaming revolution back in the day. So as you can see the said genre has a lot of history behind it and the way developers and gamers are shunning it seems a little cold. But rather than painting a grim picture I would like to point of that the influence of the genre can not be ignored.

Many of the biggest action adventure games of the HD generation which includes games like Uncharted, Infamous, Assasin's Creed, Prince of Persia, Castlevania: Lords of Shadows and Prototype have in some form or the other roots attached to 3D platformers.

Yes all these games have white knuckle action sequences and and loads of shooting at things, but there are sections in these games which required jumping...alot of jumping. Be it over large chasms, grappling over tall building or traversing medieval city on rooftops, the 3D platformers hence in essence have not been forgotten, rather their influence on the industry are still been felt. But that's where the influence ends as many of the staples of 3D platformers have gone missing ranging from creative and zany worlds to explore, utilizing ridiculous moves, collecting a horde of a useless junks and of course over the top characters. It is these element which distinguishes the genre from the others.

Yes, the writing is on the wall for the 3D platformer, but even in such desperate times all is not lost. There are still some big developers out there who are still at it making 3D platformers. Developers who still realise the potential and the fun factor of the genre and are looking to innovate in a pretty saturated territory. Lets take a look at a few of them shall we: Nintendo's very own stout plumber has been the leading the charge with incredible games like Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel. Here you have particularly amazing level designs, culling many of the pitfalls of the genre, bring something new the plate and some truly creative and epic boss battles. Miyamoto-san who kick started the 3D platformer genre back in 1996 has come full circle with the Galaxy series with all the innovation and sticking to what work best for the genre.

Second in line is the California based company, Insomniac. The de facto developer for the Playstation brand did not forget its platformer roots when it created the FPS Resistance as the company still churns out delightful iterations of the fan favorite Ratchet and Clank series. PS3 owners were blown away when the first HD game of the series came on the system and highlighted the fact that 3D platformers are still relevant, and since then 2 more games in the series have been released.

And with each release the visuals and the game play elements are improved upon, which drums the point that if developers are willing to put the effort in the genre as they used it, then the HD generation will end up having more platformers. Insomniac is not done with the genre as a new Ratchet and Clank game was announced ironically alongside another Resistance game!

With two of the big hitters of the industry still focused on making 3D platformers, there are also a number of small companies making awesome games with examples like de Blob, Deadly Animals, Sonic (yes surprisingly enough) to name a few.

Sure the number of such games have dwindled in the last 4 years, 3D platformers are still holding on.

So in the end I just want to confess that the 3D platformer genre ranks as my favorite genre (yes even at age) alongside Japanese RPG, and would love to see more games in the HD generation. Although the genre may have seen last of its better days, there is no denying that 3D platformers are darn fun to play!