On the hardware front I will be keeping a keen eye on the unveiling of the 3DS and how it attempts to take the portable market to the next level. I am still not sure about the whole 3D business but count on Nintendo to take a bold step in this regard. Another piece of hardware competing for my interest is the Playstation Move and while the new focus of the big two (Sony and Microsoft) for catering to a casual audience ala Nintendo is becoming a little unnerving, i still would like to see Sony bringing some thing palatable for the hardcore gamer for the Playstation Move. But for me E3 is always about the games and in this post I will talk about a few of the games which already has got me excited. Now these games aren't actually huge name games in the vein of Call of Duty or the like, but their premise and their promises is what excites me.

The thought of the upcoming magnum opus The Last Guardian by Fumito Ueda and his uber-talented Team ICO always bring a smile on my face. Lets face it ICO and Shadow of the Colossus were fantastic games and heres to hoping that more of the same ethereal magic is found in the Last Guardian. The first screenshots and the trailer of the game made me skip a heart beat and although there are sparse details on the game play yet but I think it will most probably share a lot of designs similarities of ICO and SoTC.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow has a lot going for it with around 20 years worth of game mechanics to bring forth and deep pockets of Konami and their ace Hideo Kojima who is the producer. The Spanish developer MercurySteam are handling the development so lets see how the game turn out as the game series is very Japanese in nature. I have always admired the Castlvania series but never have actually finished a traditionally 2D Castlevania game but when PS2 was grace with its first 3D Casltevania game: Lament of Innocence I was all over it and totally enjoyed the whip slinging action and the campy Gothic setting. So Lord of Shadows has got my interests piqued.

Gran Turismo 5 should had been out by now, now alas its still in development. I still remember back in the day me and my cousin played around 25 hours of Gran Turismo 3 in a week tweaking cars and winning events, and if GT5 can work the magic on PS3 then this game can easily become the showcase racing game of all time. But as the game has been delayed a million times no one know when the game will come out but I think the wait will be worth it. Personally I have not even gone close to the new racing games in the market like Forza 3 of Dirt 2 as the promise of racing goodness of GT5 has made me abstain!. The graphics are easily some of the most realistic around, and the car models look so damn real. Check out this slick trailer (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfyonN7WC4M). I cannot wait to play this bad boy.

The Wii has slowly become a real gamers console. After 3 long years of almost shunning the hardcore gamer the Big N has done a lot to restore faith and since early last year many 'proper' games have made it to the Wii. The RPG genre has been quite barren on the Wii but that is about to change with release of Arc Rise Fantansia, Mistwalker's The Last Story and Ninteno's and Monolith's XenoBlade. As not a lot is know about the Last Story so instead I will talk about Xenoblade. Made by the same people who made the seminal XenoSaga sereis and Xenogears, the bizarre plot and setting is what caught my eye when the game was unveiled in the last year E3 and since then the trailers of the Japanese version have surfaced and to be honest my RPG senses have gone into overdrive. The game look awesome and I am sure the story and the battle mechanics will be heaven. I am really hoping Nintendo announcing s release date for the English audiences.

The last game in my most anticipated games in E3 list is de Blob: The Underground. 2 years ago the original games charmed my socks off with its fun game mechanics and wicked soundtrack; in fact its was one of the most fun games I had played in a long while. The sequel looks like it will up the ante with improved game mechanics and in the introduction of a 100 2D leaves in top of 12 massive 3D levels. If they manage to put in a few bosses and make the game a little longer and a little challenging it will then become perfect. de Blob: The Underground needs to be recognized by a larger audience as I think this franchise is here to stay.

This conclude my first post on the E3 Event of 2010. In the next I will talk a little about games which need to make an appearance.
I am guessing you didn't play Batman : AA ?
ReplyDelete@aftab..no i actually played it and really enjoyed it. these games i have mentioned are the ones i will look forward too at E3 but that does not mean the big names games are a no-show for me. Games like Gears of War 3, Mass Effect 3, the new Assassin Creed games and the like are a given as some of my most anticipated games.