My attempts to make my dad get me a Dreamcast would usually be shot down as the whole concept of video games was still a little alien to him. Usually it was Crash Bandicoot who had become a marquee character for Sony that would get me through the rejection and soon the Dreamcast fever faded away. But in late 2000 another game made me go 'Sega crazy' all over again. Skies of Arcadia came out during the time when I had developed an acute liking for JRPGs, and before any of you guys start listing down the amazing JRPGs on the PS1, back then any good JRPG was the one I would want to play. And so my dad gave me a choice, either get a Dreamcast or wait for the PS2 (yeah I made it a point to make my dad aware of the impending release of the PS2), and hence I let go of my Dreamcast obsession (oh come on don't give me that look) and soon become embroiled with the PS2.
PS2 was an awesome system, but the thought of the Dreamcast would haunt me from time to time and Sonic Adventure become an elusive dream. So imagine my bewilderment when Sega came out to announce the revival of the Dreamcast which I dubbed (in my head) as Zombie Dreamcast through digital distribution on the PSN and XBOX Live, and Sonic Adventure was one of the first title to be released. I mean just when I though I was out (of playing the Dreamcast version of Sonic Adventure), Sega pulled me back in!!!. Seriously... I almost jumped out of my wheelchair with glee and since then have started counting days to the Fall release of the game. To be honest I was never sure how of digital distribution of games would actually work but PSN and XBOX Live and the Wii Shop has proved that digital distribution may well be the future of games retail. Exciting time ahead.
As a footnote to this post just want to share my thoughts on Project Natal or rather the
"KINECT". I mean seriously?!?!. Making a new word just for a piece of hardware??. I understand how they may have reached the name: KIN taken from the word kin or kinship, and ECT derived from connect, hence KIN CONNECT...KINECT?!!?!? No I meas SERIOUSLY?!?!. Look the XBOX brand has carved a massive niche in the gaming market that once was dominated by the Big N and Sony, but making up a totally new word is kinda...boorish. Back in the day the word "Wii" sounded weird but it still made sense (Wii = We), but the KINECT??!. WOW! But what is certain that Kinect will need to have some proper games for the traditional gamer unlike Wii's many shovel ware titles if they want to compete with Playstation Move as Sony are still targeting the gamers market along with the casual with games like the new Ape Escape, anyways as I said, interesting time ahead indeed!!

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